Friday, April 25, 2008

Nashrut Teeb - Ashraf Ali Thanvee

The Radiating Scent in the Beloved Prophet’s Dhikr
Chapter Page
In the statement of the Muhammadi Nur 4
In his fadaail being evident to the earlier nations 7
In the nobility and purity of his Lineage 10
In the appearance of some of the effects of the blessed
Nur in his noble father and most noble grandfather 12
In some of his barakah evident during pregnancy in his Mother’s womb 14
In some of the events at the time of the birth 15
In some of the events of his childhood 18
In some of his miracles 22
In some of his Khasaais (paricularities) 27
In his blessed passing away being a blessing and mercy
for him and his Ummah 29
In some of the matters and Fadhaail related to his station
in the realm of the Barzakh 32
In some of his specific virtues that will be apparent on
the plains of Qiyaamah 34
In his being the greatest of all creation 37
In taking his Tawassul at the time of Dua 39

Translator’s Foreword
This is an abridged translation of Ashraf Ali Thaanvi’s famous booklet, Nashr ut Teeb fi Dhikr il Nabbiyal Habeeb (The Radiating scent in the Beloved Prophet’s Dhikr
). The reasons for translating this booklet are the same as Thaanvi sahib’s reasons for the writing of the original booklet, namely two:

1) That narrations used in the Dhikr of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam be sound and authentic.
Thaanvi sahib explains in his foreword that many people, quite rightly, want to base their Dhikr on authentic sources and be able to differentiate between them and weaker narrations.
‘For some time it has been many people’s request that some conditions of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam, both before and after prophethood1, be compiled from authentic sources so that if, out of love, any follower of Sunnah (as opposed to those of Bid’ah), wishes and desires to undertake the blessed Dhikr, he can read such a compilation with security.2

2) Some people contest and question the purpose of the Dhikr of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.
Thaanvi sahib explains that people will be able to use his booklet for the Dhikr of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and attain barakah from that Dhikr.

‘Nowadays many folk are distressed by outward fitnas such as plague, earthquake and inflation, amongst many other

1 The announcement of Prophethood for as we will learn later he was bestowed Prophethood even before the creation of the Universe.

2 Knowing that it is based on authentic hadith and free from exaggeration and reduction.

anxieties and also by inward fitnas3 like heresy, bida’h, obscenity and wickedness. At such times of misfortune scholars of this Ummah have always sought tawassul4 through reciting and compiling his words, verses of praise, miracles and plenty of salaam and salawaat’
He further states
‘This booklet will mention his conditions, the great purpose of which is that such mentioning of conditions will lead to marifa5 and marifa will lead to love and love will lead to companionship and intercession in Qiyaamah’
The reader can read these narrations in the hope and knowledge that the barakah from them will bring relief from inward and outward fitnas and through which one’s marifa and love of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam increases.
Allaama Thaanvi also points out that he is beginning this booklet on the blessed Monday in the month of Rabi ul Awwal, which is significant for being the Prophet’s birth.
‘This risaala is begun today, (which) by coincidence, is the month of Rabi ul Awwal and Monday of the first ten days …. With the name of God I aim to (complete it) this
Ramadhan 1328 hijri’

Abridgement Criteria

Only those sections have been selected for translation that, for some reason or another, no longer seem to be in the common public domain. Those ahadith or events that are well known have not been translated as they are available in other publications.

Muhammad Sajid Younus, London, March 2007

3 The root meanings of fitna include sedition, discord, temptation and seduction.
4 Tawassul: using it as a means of attracting the mercy of Allah
5 recognition and appreciation.

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